An Interview! And a bit of news.

The good people at the Canada Reads American Style podcast recently asked me some questions on editing and writing and my process of becoming an editor and a writer (and a publisher), and I provided some mostly coherent answers for 30 minutes – except for becoming a publisher, which I neglected to answer. It was late, and we had some technical issues, and I’d already edited 15,000 words that day…. That’s here:

And the bit of news? Apastoral did win the NB Fiction Award for 2022. That was months ago. That was nice. And it has gone into a second printing. And something new by me should be out in the next six months.

Lastly, I finally launched Galleon Books! Jerrod Edson’s The Boulevard and Jake Swan’s Grantrepreneurs are getting great reviews and, well, modest sales. Go buy them!
